move pallet missing in 7.0
Hello, I've a bugs in s4l
The first is that I don't have the pallet that comes up when I try to use the move tool in the model section. Along these same lines, when I click on an object I no longer have a pop-up menu (see attached pics, the one on the top is in 7.0 the bottom two are 6.2)
Please open the Console window via VIEW | Console and check the OpenGL version and also see if there are any other warning/error messages. The floating sub-context in the 3D window is used to show up only for OpenGL version > 3.2 (or a similar). Are you using Sim4Life locally or via Remote Desktop?
I noticed a similar problem with the Poser Tool buttons missing; I posted it as a separate question here: help is greatly appreciated!
Hi @tiwwexx, to solve this issue, you can try to update your OpenGL to a version > 3.2. Also, you can try to use another remote desktop tool than the one you are currently using - it is possible that some mismatches in the OpenGL version happen.
Hi, I have the same problem (move pallet missing). On my workstation OpenGL 4.5 is installed. But the console output states OpenGL 3.0.14800 is initialized... Any help is greatly appreciated.
Console output:
Initialized OpenGL 3.0.14800 Compatibility Profile Context FireGL 22.Q2 30.0.21020.2[AMD Radeon (TM) Pro WX 7100 Graphics], backwards compatible, 8 multi-samples
[Info] Started worker process on port=9090
Initialized OpenGL 3.0.14800 Compatibility Profile Context FireGL 22.Q2 30.0.21020.2[AMD Radeon (TM) Pro WX 7100 Graphics], backwards compatible, 8 multi-samples -
Hi, has there been any update on how to get the move pallet? I have opengl version 4.2 but still no luck
@VigneshYork I solve it by modifying graphic properties on my laptop on the windows menu: Screen>Graphic and then working on S4L app from there (advanced properties if i remember correctly)
Hi s279408, thank you for your reply. May I know what properties did you change? Are you working remotely or on your local machine?
Here in my local machine. I'll post what the support send me by mail when I asked for help
"Check which version of OpenGL you get when starting Sim4Life. You can read it in the console (to open the console go to VIEW and select Console). If it is less than 3.1, they recommend:
- Install latest GPU driver version, make sure GPU supports OpenGL > 3.0
- Laptops often have low power settings for GPUs, make sure it is set to max performance.
- Try to avoid remote desktop or virtual machine. These can typically influence the graphics context."
Maybe it doesn't help but at least I tried
Thanks a lot