wrapping tool
Dear supporter,
I want to use wrapping tool in sim4life to perform transformation that wraps a structure on anatomical human head models (MIDA V1.0). I received this error: "supplied target surface is nor supported for wrapping functionality". What should I do? Is there something like wrapping tool for wrapping a structure on surface?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Fariba
The wrapping tool currently doesn't support wrapping on to triangle surface mesh objects. You could try the following (assuming you want to wrap onto the skin):
- Select skin surface
- Start Mesh Doctor tool, press "Make Manifold". This will make some tiny changes, and change the connectivity of the surface to make it manifold. This will help for nearly any downstream tools (e.g. boolean, ...)
- Start "Mesh Tools/Remesh" tool (if you have this license feature), press "Convert To Solid"
- Now the skin is a NURBS solid object, not a triangle mesh - so now wrapping may work
Unfortunately, above recipe may not work. Currently this is difficult in Sim4Life, and we are working on a new tool which can wrap flat (nearly 2D) objects on triangle mesh surfaces. This feature will be available in the next release.
If you can share the CAD and the position and orientation you would like to have the object on MIDA, we could test the tool and send you a preview result. I will contact you privately.
@mkn the feature is available in v6.2 (or even v6.0). You select the (triangle mesh) entities to project and then the target entity (last), and start the Project / Surface Projection tool. While the tool is often useful, it can fail when the entities to be projected are nearly as large as the target surface. It usually also helps to ensure the target surface is non-manifold (Mesh Doctor -> Make Manifold) and has no degenerate triangles (Mesh Doctor -> Create Degenerate Patch -> Local remeshing of patch(es)).