[INFO]: iSolve X, Version 4.0.1 (3098), 64Bit Windows [INFO]: [INFO]: [INFO]: Running MPI version 2.0 on 1 process. [INFO]: Loading all solver modules: [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\EmFdtdSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\EmLowFrequencySolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\EmLowFrequencyUnstructuredSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\EmModeMatchingSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\FluidSolverSchur.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\FluidSolverSimple.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\GradientCoilSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\NeuronSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\ScalarSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\SonicSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\ThermalSolverDouble.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\ThermalSolverSingle.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'D:\Sim4Life_v4.0.1.3098\Solvers\ThermalUnstructuredSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: [INFO]: [INFO]: Simulation 'with Wire' started on 2018-Dec-05 10:55:29 [INFO]: [INFO]: Solver type: EmFdtd, SinglePrecision, Acceleware [INFO]: Input file name: D:\saghar\gridding- plane wave\tutorial/AIMD_Validation.smash_Results/b03661b0-9635-4ff8-93fa-7b9e220f6b89_Input.h5 [INFO]: Input file generated by: Sim4Life, Version [INFO]: Output file name: D:\saghar\gridding- plane wave\tutorial/AIMD_Validation.smash_Results/b03661b0-9635-4ff8-93fa-7b9e220f6b89_Output.h5 [INFO]: [INFO]: [2018-Dec-05 10:55:30] Checking out license feature 'FDTD_SOLVER', expiring the 1-sep-2019, version 4.0, (1). [INFO]: [INFO]: Running the EM-FDTD solver with the following settings: [INFO]: Floating Point Arithmetic: single (4 Bytes) [INFO]: HPC: Acceleware [INFO]: Used Acceleware library is ' (x64, 64-bit)'. [INFO]: Your NVIDIA display driver is newer than the expected version. Installed version: 13.8569 Expected: 13.7735 (see also http://www.acceleware.com/fdtd-11.1.12) Reduced performance could be encountered. [INFO]: [INFO]: Simulation Time Step: 1.66765e-12 sec [INFO]: Simulation Iterations: 140542 [INFO]: Max Simulated Time: 2.34375e-07 sec [INFO]: [INFO]: Grid: [INFO]: Number of cells: 55x55x452 = 1367300 cells = 1.3673 MCells [INFO]: Number of cells including PML: 75x75x472 = 2655000 cells = 2.6550 MCells [INFO]: X: Range [-0.188322 ... 0.188322] with minimal 0.0005 and maximal step 0.0257558 [m] [INFO]: Y: Range [-0.188322 ... 0.188322] with minimal 0.0005 and maximal step 0.0257558 [m] [INFO]: Z: Range [-0.288322 ... 0.288322] with minimal 0.000499994 and maximal step 0.0257558 [m] [INFO]: [INFO]: Boundaries: [INFO]: Side X-: ABC (UPML, 10 layers) [INFO]: Side X+: ABC (UPML, 10 layers) [INFO]: Side Y-: ABC (UPML, 10 layers) [INFO]: Side Y+: ABC (UPML, 10 layers) [INFO]: Side Z-: ABC (UPML, 10 layers) [INFO]: Side Z+: ABC (UPML, 10 layers) [INFO]: [INFO]: Created unified material architecture (UMA) model [INFO]: [INFO]: Materials (3): [INFO]: 0 Background: dielectric (eps_r=78, sigma_E=0.48, mu_r=1, sigma_H=0) [INFO]: 1 Coating: dielectric (eps_r=3, sigma_E=0, mu_r=1, sigma_H=0) [INFO]: 2 Lead: PEC [INFO]: [INFO]: Lumped Elements: No active lumped elements in the simulation. [INFO]: [INFO]: Host OS: Microsoft Windows 8 Professional 64-bit (Build 9200) [INFO]: Host CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 v2 @ 2.50GHz [INFO]: Host memory: 65459 MB [INFO]: The following Accelerators have been detected: [INFO]: Tesla K20c (device ID = 0), compute capability 3.5, total memory 4733 MB [INFO]: Quadro K2000 (device ID = 1), compute capability 3.0, total memory 2048 MB [INFO]: Tesla K20c (device ID = 2), compute capability 3.5, total memory 4733 MB [INFO]: [INFO]: [INFO]: Sensors (1): [INFO]: Initializing field sensor Overall Field. [INFO]: Using DFT to convert to frequency domain. [INFO]: [INFO]: Sources (1): [INFO]: Initializing plane wave source Source. [INFO]: Excitation signal: Harmonic signal with frequency 64 MHz and ramp time 23.4375 ns [INFO]: [INFO]: Update coefficient calculation for 8362597 edges using 6 threads. [INFO]: Calculating update coefficients [INFO]: [INFO]: [INFO]: Edge-Material Statistics (Electric/Magnetic): 4207952 / 4154645 (100.00% / 100.00%) : Total 16024 / 0 ( 0.38% / 0.00%) : PEC/PMC 4191928 / 4154645 ( 99.62% / 100.00%) : Dielectric [INFO]: Edge-Region Statistics (regions with more than 1% of all edges, max 20 items): 4176060 / 4135913 ( 99.24% / 99.55%) : Background 18896 / 7188 ( 0.45% / 0.17%) : Other 12996 / 11544 ( 0.31% / 0.28%) : Averaged [INFO]: [INFO]: Update coefficient database contains 7 E-coefficient(s) and 1 H-coefficient(s). [INFO]: Elapsed time for 'Calculating update coefficients' was 00:00:00 wall clock time. [INFO]: Preparing for time update [INFO]: Use hardware resource management option fastest simulation [INFO]: [2018-Dec-05 10:55:32] Checking out license feature 'AXWARE_TOKEN', expiring the 1-sep-2019, version 4.0, (1). [INFO]: Simulation 1 is using device(s): [0] [INFO]: Elapsed time for 'Preparing for time update' was 00:00:02 wall clock time. [INFO]: Starting solver aXware (hardware accelerated). [INFO]: Time Update [PROGRESS]: 0% [ 10 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 16 minutes 52 seconds @ 368.75 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 1% [ 1416 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 16 minutes 3 seconds @ 383.73 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 2% [ 2822 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 15 minutes 56 seconds @ 382.39 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 3% [ 4228 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 15 minutes 48 seconds @ 381.69 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 4% [ 5634 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 15 minutes 33 seconds @ 384.01 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 5% [ 7040 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 15 minutes 24 seconds @ 383.42 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 6% [ 8446 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 15 minutes 15 seconds @ 383.45 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 7% [ 9852 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 15 minutes 7 seconds @ 382.47 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 8% [ 11258 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 14 minutes 59 seconds @ 381.85 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 9% [ 12664 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 14 minutes 44 seconds @ 384.16 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 10% [ 14070 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 14 minutes 34 seconds @ 384.16 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 11% [ 15476 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 14 minutes 27 seconds @ 383.18 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 12% [ 16882 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 14 minutes 14 seconds @ 384.44 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 13% [ 18288 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 14 minutes 6 seconds @ 383.65 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 14% [ 19694 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 13 minutes 57 seconds @ 383.22 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 15% [ 21100 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 13 minutes 45 seconds @ 384.48 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 16% [ 22506 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 13 minutes 36 seconds @ 384.28 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 17% [ 23912 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 13 minutes 28 seconds @ 383.42 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 18% [ 25318 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 13 minutes 15 seconds @ 384.68 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 19% [ 26724 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 13 minutes 5 seconds @ 384.72 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 20% [ 28130 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 12 minutes 59 seconds @ 383.34 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 21% [ 29536 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 12 minutes 47 seconds @ 384.32 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 22% [ 30942 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 12 minutes 37 seconds @ 384.44 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 23% [ 32348 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 12 minutes 33 seconds @ 381.30 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 24% [ 33754 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 12 minutes 20 seconds @ 383.14 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 25% [ 35160 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 12 minutes 8 seconds @ 384.24 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 26% [ 36566 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 11 minutes 59 seconds @ 383.89 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 27% [ 37972 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 11 minutes 51 seconds @ 383.22 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 28% [ 39378 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 11 minutes 41 seconds @ 383.30 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 29% [ 40784 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 11 minutes 29 seconds @ 384.24 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 30% [ 42190 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 11 minutes 21 seconds @ 383.18 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 31% [ 43596 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 11 minutes 15 seconds @ 381.57 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 32% [ 45002 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 11 minutes 3 seconds @ 382.51 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 33% [ 46408 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 10 minutes 53 seconds @ 382.71 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 34% [ 47814 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 10 minutes 42 seconds @ 383.30 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 35% [ 49220 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 10 minutes 30 seconds @ 384.60 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 36% [ 50626 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 10 minutes 21 seconds @ 384.68 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 37% [ 52032 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 10 minutes 17 seconds @ 380.64 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 38% [ 53438 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 10 minutes 20 seconds @ 373.26 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 39% [ 54844 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 10 minutes 15 seconds @ 369.78 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 40% [ 56250 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 9 minutes 48 seconds @ 380.37 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 41% [ 57656 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 9 minutes 35 seconds @ 382.55 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 42% [ 59062 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 9 minutes 25 seconds @ 383.22 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 43% [ 60468 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 9 minutes 16 seconds @ 382.55 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 44% [ 61874 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 9 minutes 3 seconds @ 384.44 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 45% [ 63280 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 8 minutes 55 seconds @ 383.53 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 46% [ 64686 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 8 minutes 44 seconds @ 384.52 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 47% [ 66092 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 8 minutes 36 seconds @ 383.02 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 48% [ 67498 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 8 minutes 29 seconds @ 381.14 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 49% [ 68904 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 8 minutes 15 seconds @ 384.05 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 50% [ 70310 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 8 minutes 5 seconds @ 384.40 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 51% [ 71716 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 7 minutes 57 seconds @ 382.98 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 52% [ 73122 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 7 minutes 46 seconds @ 384.48 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 53% [ 74528 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 7 minutes 35 seconds @ 385.12 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 54% [ 75934 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 7 minutes 27 seconds @ 383.65 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 55% [ 77340 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 7 minutes 17 seconds @ 383.77 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 56% [ 78746 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 7 minutes 7 seconds @ 384.13 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 57% [ 80152 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 6 minutes 58 seconds @ 383.14 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 58% [ 81558 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 6 minutes 48 seconds @ 384.28 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 59% [ 82964 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 6 minutes 38 seconds @ 384.20 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 60% [ 84370 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 6 minutes 28 seconds @ 384.05 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 61% [ 85776 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 6 minutes 18 seconds @ 384.36 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 62% [ 87182 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 6 minutes 9 seconds @ 383.85 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 63% [ 88588 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 6 minutes @ 383.69 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 64% [ 89994 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 5 minutes 58 seconds @ 375.24 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 65% [ 91400 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 5 minutes 51 seconds @ 372.14 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 66% [ 92806 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 5 minutes 30 seconds @ 383.57 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 67% [ 94212 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 5 minutes 21 seconds @ 383.61 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 68% [ 95618 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 5 minutes 12 seconds @ 381.69 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 69% [ 97024 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 5 minutes 2 seconds @ 382.94 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 70% [ 98430 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 4 minutes 51 seconds @ 384.09 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 71% [ 99836 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 4 minutes 42 seconds @ 382.86 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 72% [ 101242 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 4 minutes 32 seconds @ 383.93 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 73% [ 102648 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 4 minutes 22 seconds @ 383.97 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 74% [ 104054 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 4 minutes 13 seconds @ 382.94 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 75% [ 105460 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 4 minutes 3 seconds @ 383.77 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 76% [ 106866 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 3 minutes 53 seconds @ 383.18 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 77% [ 108272 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 3 minutes 43 seconds @ 383.93 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 78% [ 109678 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 3 minutes 33 seconds @ 384.76 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 79% [ 111084 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 3 minutes 24 seconds @ 384.01 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 80% [ 112490 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 3 minutes 14 seconds @ 383.38 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 81% [ 113896 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 3 minutes 4 seconds @ 385.24 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 82% [ 115302 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 2 minutes 55 seconds @ 384.01 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 83% [ 116708 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 2 minutes 45 seconds @ 383.34 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 84% [ 118114 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 2 minutes 35 seconds @ 384.92 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 85% [ 119520 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 2 minutes 26 seconds @ 382.28 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 86% [ 120926 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 2 minutes 16 seconds @ 383.14 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 87% [ 122332 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 2 minutes 6 seconds @ 385.00 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 88% [ 123738 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 1 minutes 56 seconds @ 383.42 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 89% [ 125144 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 1 minutes 47 seconds @ 382.12 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 90% [ 126550 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 1 minutes 37 seconds @ 384.96 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 91% [ 127956 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 1 minutes 27 seconds @ 384.01 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 92% [ 129362 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 1 minutes 17 seconds @ 383.89 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 93% [ 130768 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 1 minutes 8 seconds @ 382.67 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 94% [ 132174 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 58 seconds @ 383.06 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 95% [ 133580 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 48 seconds @ 383.65 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 96% [ 134986 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 38 seconds @ 383.65 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 97% [ 136392 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 29 seconds @ 384.16 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 98% [ 137798 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 19 seconds @ 383.02 MCells/s [PROGRESS]: 99% [ 139204 / 140542 ] Time Update, estimated remaining time 9 seconds @ 373.97 MCells/s [INFO]: Simulation performed 140542 iterations. [INFO]: Elapsed time for 'Time Update' was 00:17:14 wall clock time. [INFO]: [INFO]: Post-process Sensors [INFO]: Post-process sensor 'Overall Field' [INFO]: Trusted frequency is 64 MHz. Expect less accurate results outside. [INFO]: Elapsed time for 'Post-process Sensors' was 00:00:00 wall clock time. [INFO]: FDTD simulation finished successfully. [INFO]: [INFO]: Simulation 'with Wire' has ended successfully on 2018-Dec-05 11:12:47 and took 00:17:18 wall clock time [INFO]: [2018-Dec-05 11:12:47] Released license feature 'AXWARE_TOKEN'. [INFO]: [2018-Dec-05 11:12:47] Released license feature 'FDTD_SOLVER'. [INFO]: Peak memory usage: 339.0 MB (355430400 Bytes) [INFO]: iSolve ended successfully.